Inilah titipanku, hanya 3 saja. Ngga titip serum dan moisturizer soalnya saat itu udah nitip The Skin Food Peach Sake Serum dan Peach Sake Sun Lotion ama Angelia yg pergi ke Korea (baca di sini). Lagipula Biore belum tentu cocok juga jadi kupilih yg aman yaitu sabun, masker dan toner. Review di MUA mengenai produk2 ini ngga terlalu bagus tp tetap saja akhirnya semua kosmetik/skin care selalu cocok-cocokan.
- Pore Unclogging Scrub
Fantastic exfoliating cleanser for all skin types. Creamy, pearlescent formula with micro beads and salicylic acid unclogs pores and removes dry, dull skin so your pores can breath easier. Lightly foaming scrub is gentle enough to use everyday. Dermatologically tested, hypo-allergenic, non-comedogenic (won't clog pores). - Self-Heating Mask
A luxurious one-minute facial that instantly heats to open pores and provides an intensive deep clean. Formulated with kaolin and zeolite, a clay that warms on contact with water to open pores and remove pore-clogging dirt leaving skin shine free and radiant. Use twice weekly for best results. - Triple Action Toner
Go for a clean sweep. Tingly-cool toner, with salicylic acid, unclogs and tightens pores as it reduces surface shine. It penetrates pores to clear away dirt, oil and blackheads.(sumber :
7 komentar:
waaaaa baru lagiiiii!!!
ayo cepat dipake & cepat direview
kyknya kita sama" oily skin ya?
onik pernah coba pake clinique?
gw pake Pore Minimizer Thermal-Active Skin Refiner & Pore Minimizer Refining Lotion-nya clinique. lumayan lho..!
kl sehari" sih pake tea tree-nya TBS ajah
Oh aku pernah lihat tp belum pernah beli / coba, hehe. Aduuh rajin banget ya u cari2 ... jksjksjks .. hehe ...
dmitrii, kulitku combination. hidung byk komedo, udah rajin pake biore pore pack tp komedo masih aja rajin muncul jd lama2 males pake pore pack hehe...
dulu pernah coba pake clinique 3 step (sabun, toner, moist) eh malah jerawatan banyak jd ngga berani pake produk2 clinique dulu. kalo udah beli mahal tahu2 ngga cocok kan bisa nangis aku hehe...
farra, pernah lihat di mana? aku kan hobi ke drugstore sini *cuci mata* kok ngga pernah lihat yah. iya niat banget yah, habis pori2 gede ini bener2 merusak penampilan make upku hehe...
hehehe di cnd
oh di canada, bukan di jkt ya. biore tsb made in jadi USA pasti ada di canada hehe...
onik pake bha aja sapa tau cucok buat komedonya ^_^
gue gi cobain juga nih.. hehe..
Fan, aku udah coba cleansing mouse dari watson yg ada bha eh malah kulitku jadi kering. pakenya di sekitar hidung dn dagu. lg pake apa, fan? udah coba TFS green tea massage oil, bagus ngga?
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